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Corporate News
KML achieves Gold tier recognition under the inaugural Cybersecurity Awareness Recognition Scheme
December 06, 2024

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) recently participated in the first-ever Cyber Security Staff Awareness Recognition Scheme (“Scheme”), co-organised by the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) and the ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter. We are proud to announce that we have successfully achieved the "Gold Tier" recognition! This acknowledgment not only affirms our efforts in enhancing cybersecurity awareness but also encourages us to collaboratively create a safer working environment.


The rapidly evolving digital world poses significant cybersecurity threats. Our management understands that cybersecurity is a shared responsibility for everyone and deeply resonates with the organisers' concept of building a "Human Firewall." Therefore, we leveraged this Scheme to further motivate our team members to actively acquire new cybersecurity knowledge. We believe that a culture of companywide participation will enhance our daily cybersecurity defenses, reduce the risk of cybersecurity incidents caused by human factors, and safeguard the information and data of our stakeholders. Looking ahead, we aspire to establish a safer and more resilient digital environment to ensure the sustainable development of our business.


For more information, please click the links below for the related press release and details of the Scheme:

  1. CSSA Recognition Scheme; and

  2.  「共建員工防火牆」嘉許計劃頒獎典禮圓滿舉行 (Chinese Only).

KML provides training opportunities and continues to cultivate potential talents
May 13, 2024

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) actively cooperates with local colleges and supports young people's career development in multi-aspects. This year we continue to offer the Industrial Attachment & Industry-Based Student Project Scheme endorsed by the Vocational Training Council (“Scheme”) to provide students with an immersive working environment.


Students have opportunities to develop their hands-on skills, apply technical knowledge and industry practices to their work, and lay the foundation for their future career development through this Scheme. At the same time, our company also assigns employees as mentors to each student to provide them with guidance and valuable opinions to help them develop in the future for advancement.


Through the work they exposed to during the Scheme, students can better understand their strengths, weaknesses and the skill sets they are good at, thereby discovering their career interests and their way forward, and equipping themselves early the competence before entering the job arena. KML believes that by nurturing talent, we can achieve sustainable success and create a positive impact within our company and beyond.

Heart Caring Campaign TVB Interview
April 22, 2024

Recently, there have been several cases of sudden deaths of construction site workers at work in Hong Kong. In the past two years, the construction and security industries had the highest number of non-accidental deaths of employees at work, so what are the reasons for this? And what is the effectiveness of the Heart Caring Campaign launched by the authorities targeting at these two industries?

To raise awareness of the risks of cerebro-cardiovascular diseases (CCVDs) and encourage healthy lifestyles among the frontline workers in the construction and property management industries, the Labour Department and the Occupational Safety and Health Council launched the “Heart Caring Campaign”. Through various health risk assessments, health information and online and offline “Heart Caring” activities, frontline workers are encouraged to establish healthy lifestyles with healthy diets, physical exercises, quit smoking and stress management, etc., thus ”Early Screening”, “Early Prevention” and “Early management” could be made possible regarding any CCVDs related problems and reduce the risks.

KML has signed the Heart Caring Charter since the end of 2022 and has become a Heart Caring Company. We have made a commitment to actively build a healthy workplace and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases among our employees. Our dedication and efforts have not gone unnoticed. In 2023, KML was honoured to receive the Heart Caring Organisation Award - Outstanding Organisation. We are delighted to share that our company has been invited to share our experience on TVB's "A Closer Look" program. This incredible opportunity allows us to inspire others and provide valuable insights on preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the workplace.


For more information, please click the link below to watch the relevant programme. We sincerely invite everyone to watch and review it.


Broadcast date: 11 April 2024

KML is honoured to receive the Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023 Gold Award
March 27, 2024

Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (“COSH”) organised the Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards (“the Awards”) together with the Occupational Safety and Health Council (“OSHC”) and Radio 1 of Radio Television Hong Kong (“RTHK”) in 2023. The Awards aim to encourage all industries to fulfill social responsibility by promoting smoke-free culture and smoking cessation to their employees, customers, the general public and other stakeholders for a smoke-free Hong Kong.


KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) is honoured to receive the Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023 Gold Award. This recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to creating a smoke-free environment and promoting a healthier lifestyle for our employees.


KML implemented a smoke-free policy as early as 20 years ago. In light of this accomplishment, our Deputy Managing Director Mr. Eric Luk had the privilege of being interviewed by media, where we had the opportunity to share our company's journey towards becoming a smoke-free leading company.


We have implemented various initiatives that encourage a smoke-free culture within our company. One of the highlights is the Smoke-free Run Supporting Day activity. Employees can leave their seats to stretch and watch smoking cessation videos to learn about the scourge of smoking while doing Zero-time Exercise.


Additionally, we have taken proactive steps to create awareness and educate our employees. In the pantry area, we play informative smoke-free videos that highlight the benefits of a smoke-free lifestyle and provide smoking cessation information, such as quit hotlines and assistance organisations.


KML firmly believes that a smoke-free workplace not only benefits the health and well-being of our employees but also contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable environment. We hope to inspire other organisations to join us in creating a healthier and more sustainable future.


For more information, please click the link below for the related news:

1. Awards Booklet of "Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023" —— KML Engineering

2. "Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023" sharing from award-winning companies and organizations

3. "Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023" Business Community Jointed Efforts to build a Smoke-free Hong Kong

KML Technology Group supported Earth Hour for 7 consecutive years 
March 22, 2024

We are pleased to participate in "Earth Hour 2024". This year’s theme is “Give an Hour for Earth”, which encourages everyone to start simply in our daily lives – changing the way we look at food, fitness and wellness, outdoor activities, creativity, entertainment, and sustainability, so we can reconnect with nature and help our planet. Join us and make positive changes for the future! 

Check out what we have pledged:

KML Provides Bespoke Automatic Fare Collection System Solutions for “Central - Discovery Bay” Licensed Ferry Operator
March 18, 2024

Discovery Bay has upgraded its ferry service by extending its route to Discovery Bay North and renovating the ferry pier. KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) is honored to participate in this project. We provided our client with bespoke automatic fare collection (“AFC”) system solution, including the design and installation of entry/exit gates, ticket vending machines that support digital payments, and electronic passenger display panels, enhancing the overall travel experience for the residents and visitors of Discovery Bay.


The new gate adopts grey cover, transparent flap and hollow body, this novel and fashionable design is harmonised with the overall style of the terminal lobby, bringing a brand-new look to the ferry piers. In addition, the flexible design and allocation of the new flap gate enable wider aisles, making it more convenient for passengers with luggage, wheelchair and baby pram.


KML has extensive experience and a professional team in AFC system integration projects and is committed to providing customers with one-stop services. Looking ahead, KML will continue to optimise our solutions and products to meet the evolving needs of our customers and the society.

CIC Happy Run 2024 KML Shares the Fun of Sports with Industry Partners
January 7, 2024

The "Construction Industry Happy Run 2024" held by the Construction Industry Council (“CIC”) was here again, KML Engineering (“KML”) continued to participate in this industry event. There was a total of 8 colleagues participating in the 10km Individual Run and the 3.5km Happy Run. We participated in the Construction Style Relay for the first time, our colleagues wore reflective vests and orange helmets, the eye-catching outlook was full of energy.


The event also had a dining area and multiple game booths. Everyone was very involved and enjoyed gathering with the industry partners, and the atmosphere was lively. KML is happy to continue participating in the industry’s physical sports to promote a healthy lifestyle.

KML participates in the “Business-School Partnership Programme” of the Education Bureau to help students plan their career paths in the future
December 29, 2023

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) has consistently embraced our commitment to social responsibility, with a particular focus on nurturing and supporting the growth of the youth. In December 2023, we participated in the Education Bureau’s “Business-School Partnership Programme” – the 2023-2024 school year work experience programme (the “Programme”). This initiative was designed to offer students a firsthand glimpse into the realms of software development and engineering within the business sector, aiding them in formulating informed career plans.

In order to craft a bespoke experiencing plan for the participating students, KML’s Chief Engineer and Head of Human Resource Department visited Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School and communicated with the teacher in charge and the four Form 5 participating students to understand their interests and purposes of participating in the Programme. 

The bespoke work experience programme orchestrated by KML proved both intensive and rewarding. KML assigned four colleagues as mentors to share the professional knowledge required on the job with the students. This mentorship involved sharing insights into various professional aspects, enabling students to actively participate in day-to-day software development, attend pivotal engineering meetings, gain insights into product embedding processes, and contribute to quality control and testing efforts. KML has been focusing on the research and development of Automatic Fare Collection System for years. The students felt that behind the seemingly simple action of tapping a card to pay, it turns out that it has gone through countless tests and error predictions to ensure accurate operation. They were sincerely impressed by the meticulousness of the staff.

Beyond the professional realm, our colleagues fostered a mentorship that transcended the workplace, organising lunch gatherings that facilitated open discussions. These sessions were instrumental in helping students discover their personal interests, gain an understanding of diverse job roles within the engineering sector, and explore potential career paths. Students conveyed that this experience not only deepened their comprehension of corporate operations and employer expectations but also instilled the right work attitudes and values, preparing them effectively for their future endeavors and allowing them to savor the satisfaction of successful work.

KML is honoured to be part of the Programme, collaborating with students and gaining valuable insights into the career aspirations of the younger generation. This experience will inform adjustments to our company's employee training strategies. Looking ahead, KML remains committed to making positive contributions to the community in various aspect.

MTR Launches First Contactless Bank Card Payment at Entry/Exit Gates
KML Aids Smart Mobility to New Milestone 

December 13, 2023

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) extends our heartfelt congratulations to our esteemed business partner, MTR, on achieving a milestone in the Automatic Fare Collection System, adding contactless bank card payment for MTR rides. It's a win for the society at large, presenting increased accessibility and convenience for passengers and travellers.

KML is very proud of being one of the contributors to this new milestone. This achievement stands as a testament to the collective expertise and unwavering dedication of KML collaborative teams. KML takes immense pride in highlighting the instrumental role played by our adept professionals who demonstrated unparalleled proficiency in steering this transformative project toward success. Their relentless efforts, innovative approaches, and steadfast commitment have truly been the cornerstone of this milestone accomplishment.

Moreover, we extend our deepest gratitude not only to our colleagues but also to the dedicated teams at MTR who worked tirelessly day and night, investing their time and expertise into making this vision a reality. It is through this joint effort and collaboration that we've achieved a milestone that contributes significantly to advancing society's payment systems, ultimately enriching the passenger experience with enhanced payment options.


As we celebrate this remarkable accomplishment, we aim to capture the attention of the global market, inviting potential business partners, customers, and vendors worldwide to explore the innovative opportunities that this milestone represents. Our doors are open for collaborations that drive progress, innovation, and a shared vision of excellence. Together we will shape the further of our industry!

About KML


We have expertise in innovating and excels in providing comprehensive payment solutions, specialising in cutting-edge Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) and Point of Sale (POS) systems, tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. Join us in exploring innovative opportunities as we aim to shape the future of our industry through collaboration and excellence.


Connect with us at: (852) 2686 7777

The 22nd Occupational Safety & Health Award
November 15, 2023

The Occupational Safety and Health Council held the Prize Presentation Ceremony for the “22nd Occupational Safety & Health (“OSH”) Award” at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 15 November 2023. The award aims to improve the OSH performance of various sectors by recognising organisations with outstanding achievements in the field of OSH.

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) is pleased to receive the Outstanding Award for "Safety Performance Award", Merit Award for the "OSH Report Award" and Certificate of Attainment for "Best Program for Work Safety & Health in Hot Weather Award" (Construction Industry).

OSH plays a pivotal role in facilitating a better working environment. KML will continue to work hard to enhance the OSH culture in the company. 

KML is committed to connecting with the community and sponsored the Lamma Island dragon boat team to participate in the Discovery Bay Dragon Boat Gala 2023
October 29, 2023

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) actively maintains close ties with the community, and we have always participated in and supported community activities in a variety of ways.


The Discovery Bay Dragon Boat Gala 2023 was held on 29 October at Tai Pak Beach. KML sponsored a Lamma Island dragon boat team to participate in the competition, and also specially prepared paddles for the team to take on the challenge. After a series of intense competitions, the team defeated their opponents and won the third place with their outstanding teamwork and determination.


Dragon boat activities not only promote Chinese culture and train team spirit, but also promote community integration. KML will continue to devote resources to connect communities and instil positive spirit into society.

SportsHour Company KML creates vibrant working environment
September 12, 2023

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) has been awarded the “SportsHour Company” by InspiringHK Sports Foundation under the SportsHour Company Scheme (“Scheme”) for two consecutive terms. The Scheme encourages Hong Kong companies and organisations to promote employees and family members’ participation in one hour of physical activities daily, fostering a healthy lifestyle as part of the company culture thus improving business efficiency.


KML has been dedicated to creating a vibrant working environment throughout the years. We have introduced standing desks, allowing employees to switch freely between traditional workstations and standing work modes, take breaks, stretch and avoid prolonged sitting. Additionally, we provide employee with resistance training bands, and encourage them to do simple exercises at the office during breaks or after work. We also subsidise and encourage employees and their loved ones to actively participate in diverse physical activities beyond the workplace, such as the industry's major physical event - Construction Industry Happy Run and shoreline clean-ups, thus promoting work-life balance.


KML hopes to continue promoting healthy and energetic working environment in the future, encourage employees to do more exercise, and thus establish a healthy living culture.

KML signed the Heart Caring Charter and won the “Heart Caring Company Plus” logo and Heart Caring Organization Award – Outstanding Organization
September 12, 2023

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) participated in “Heart Caring Campaign” jointly launched by the Occupational Safety and Health Council and the Labour Department and signed the Heart Caring Charter in December 2022 and upgraded to the“Heart Caring Company Plus” logo in August 2023.


To raise awareness among employees about maintaining cardiovascular health, health tips and events will be posted on “KML Newsletter” that is published regularly to remind our employees the importance of having healthy habits. The mental and physical health of employees are important aspects of maintaining cardiovascular health, we have implemented several measures to care for the mental and physical health of employees, such as holding a standup-style screening on exercise and smoking cessation, giving gifts that help promote physical activities, and sponsoring employees to participate in physical activities.

In addition, we have purchased health check equipment, provided our employees with blood pressure monitors, body composition scale and measuring tapes in the workplace to facilitate their self-monitoring of health regularly.


KML places great importance on the mental and physical health of employees, our efforts in actively promoting “Heart Caring” have been recognised and therefore won the Heart Caring Organization Award - Outstanding Organization. KML will continue to raise the awareness of the risks of cerebro-cardiovascular diseases to employees and encourage them to establish a healthy lifestyle.

KML was granted Silver Award at Privacy-Friendly Awards 2023
August 31, 2023

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) has received a Silver Award from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (“PCPD”) at the “Privacy-Friendly Award 2023” (“Award”). The theme of the Award is “Embrace Privacy Management Programme to Gain Trust and Benefits”, it aims to recognise the commitment and efforts of enterprises, public and private organisations as well as government departments in protecting personal data privacy.

KML attaches great importance to the personal data privacy management programme, we have developed internal policies on personal data handling and provided training and education for employees on personal data privacy protection so as to protect the interests of customers and employees. The company also has a data protection officer who reviews relevant policies regularly. In addition, the company has also formulated IT Security Policy and awareness training programs educating employees to pay attention to data privacy when using computer systems and to collaborate on reducing its cybersecurity risks.


KML welcomes the PCPD’s recognition, and will maintain its commitment to protecting the personal data privacy and rights of its stakeholders.

KML is awarded “The Most Active Participation Award” for supporting “Smoke-free Sportswear Day”
July 17, 2023

The World Health Organization designates 31st May of each year as the World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). Theme of WNTD 2023 is “We need food, not tobacco”, and the aim is to raise public awareness of the impact of tobacco cultivation on food crisis. Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (“COSH") took this opportunity to hold Smoke-free Publicity Progamme and a Smoke-free Sportswear Day, and encourage the members of the public to dress sporty, in particular, smokers were recommended to quit smoking through exercises.


KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) actively supported the Programme and disseminated smoke-free messages by holding a standup-style screening on exercise and smoking cessation. Employees can leave their seats for stretching and watch smoking cessation videos to learn about the scourge of smoking while doing Zero-time Exercise.


We are proud to have stood out among more than 100 participating organizations, receiving “The Most Active Participation Award” of Smoke-free Sportswear Day from COSH. We will continue to encourage everyone to maintain smoke-free and healthy habits, and encourage smokers around us to take the first step to quit smoking so as to co-create a smoke-free Hong Kong!

Action to Restore Shoreline: KML Staff Participated in Shoreline Clean Up 
May 6, 2023

Hong Kong’s precious marine environment is under constant assault from litter, creating substantial threats to the marine ecosystem and to humans. KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) has always advocated sustainable development, hoping to bring a positive spirit to society and the environment gradually through actions.


This May, we encouraged employees to participate in shoreline cleaning activities to treasure and protect the ocean. Our employees and their relatives and friends went to Shek O Beach earlier to clean up all kinds of beach garbage, including beverage bottles, disposable cutlery, straws, styrofoam pellets and fishnet debris, working together to restore cleanliness to the beach. In recognition of the participants’ contributions to marine conservation, the company rewarded them after the activity.


Through this immersive activity and the participants’ sharing, we all gained a profound understanding of the detrimental effects of marine debris on the health of both marine life and human, further reinforcing our determination to implement waste reduction at source.  KML will continue to actively encourage and support employees to participate in various environmental protection activities to protect the environment with tangible actions.

KML was awarded the Joyful@Healthy Workplace Best Practices Award – Outstanding Award and Workplace Mental Health Award - Mental Health Friendly Supreme Organisation Award Merit Award
May 5, 2023

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) cares for the mental health of its employees, and committing to the promotion of a mental health-friendly workplace environment. We are pleased to receive the Joyful@Healthy Workplace Best Practices Award – Outstanding Award and Workplace Mental Health Award - Mental Health Friendly Supreme Organisation Award Merit Award from the Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC), the Labour Department and the Department of Health, in recognition of our outstanding performance in creating, promoting and advocating for a joyful and healthy working environment, with respect to healthy eating, physical activity and mental well-being. 

KML Engineering Limited has been granted a statement of compliance under the ISO/IEC 90003:2018
March 16, 2023

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) has passed the assessment of SGS Hong Kong Limited, which proves that the software quality management system of the company complies with the requirements of ISO/IEC 90003:2018. This also concretely implies our dedication to software quality in IT and engineering system solutions as well as our commitment to meeting the needs of our customers. 

Leveraging this achievement, we deeply believe we can drive business development and growth by grasping more opportunities. Going forward, we will continue to excel and embrace the customer-centric spirit to achieve our long-term development goals.

KML Technology Group Limited and its subsidiaries have been awarded the ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Certificates
March 9, 2023

We are pleased to announce that KML Technology Group Limited has been awarded the ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Certificates by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, and its subsidiaries KML Engineering Limited and KML Technology Limited have met the relevant certification requirement. We deeply believe that these certifications demonstrate our efforts and achievements in effectively managing occupational safety and health risks and providing our employees with a safe and healthy working environment. In the future, the Group will continue to optimise the occupational safety and health-related systems and measures, providing our employees with a safe, healthy and happy workplace environment and fulfilling our responsibilities to our customers, business partners and society.

The ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Certificates awarded are as follows:

The 21th Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Award
February 6, 2023

The 21th Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health (“OSH”) Award (“HK OSH Award”) Forum and Award Presentation Ceremony was successfully held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 6 February 2023, the HK OSH Award aims to recognise organisations with outstanding achievements in the field of OSH.

With global warming, Hong Kong's summer temperature has a clear long-term upward trend. The number of hot nights and extremely hot weather days in 2021 reached 61 and 54 days respectively, both were the most on record. Working in such a hot environment, employees will face a higher risk of heat stroke inevitably. This year the OSH Award added the "Best Program for Work Safety & Health in Hot Weather" to recognise organisations that have outstanding performance in formulating heat stroke prevention programs and implementing effective measures to protect employees' safety and health at work in hot environments. KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) is honored to receive the Certificate of Attainment of the Scheme (Construction Industry).

In addition, KML won the Merit Award of the "OSH Annual Report Award" and the Excellence Award of the "Safety Performance Award". The company would like to thank the colleagues for their joint efforts. KML will continue to actively promote OSH culture to prevent accidents.

Taiwan Taoyuan Airport Metro A22 Laojie River Station Will Be Put into Trial Operation KML Makes Steady Progress to Create More Convenient Transportation
January 30, 2023

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) has always been committed to providing high-quality automatic fare collection (“AFC”) system solutions to customers. We have extensive experience in design, supply and production. Taiwan Taoyuan Airport Metro A22 Laojie River Station is ready to put into trial, KML is honoured to gain confidence from our customer and being invited to co-work with the AFC system, providing Token Issuing Machine, Card Vending and Add Value Machine, and Automatic Gate for A22 Laojie River Station. During the construction period, despite there were continuous outbreaks of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns of many cities which had aggravated the challenges of cross-border projects, KML still exerted its teamwork spirit and kept closely in touch with manufacturers and customers. Through remote monitoring and testing to ensure the good quality of the products, the project was delivered on time, which has fulfilled the wish of the Taiwan authorities, i.e. being able to open the station to traffic as soon as possible.

KML has advanced skills in research and development (R&D) of the mobile payment systems regime. With the achievement in our R&D work, we provide tailor-made innovative payment solutions for customers. As early as 2019, we began to upgrade the AFC system from stations A1 to A21 of the Taiwan Taoyuan Airport Metro. The automatic gates at A22 Laojie River Station, similar to other stations on the Taoyuan Airport Metro Line, support mobile payment methods. Therefore, travellers can use mobile apps, credit cards, QR codes, Alipay, and iPASS Card to complete transactions. KML attaches great importance to the development of innovative payment method adaptation in transportation. We hope KML's products and technologies can get promoted to more places and bring more convenience to travellers around the world.

The First Open-air EV Charging Station in Tai O Officially Opened KML Actively Supports the Government to Promote Green Transportation Policy
January 30, 2023

The car park located on Tai O Road near Tai O Bus Terminus has recently completed the installation of electric vehicle (“EV”) charging infrastructure, becoming the first public EV charging station in Tai O. This EV charging station not only benefits the residents in Tai O, but visitors to Tai O can also use it for free. On the day of charging station was put into operation, the residents were eager to use it immediately, which showed that the EV charging facilities were very popular among the public!

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) was pleased to undertake this project, providing professional services in the design, installation, testing and project management for the EV charging station. This is a brand-new, design flexible and socially inclusive medium EV charging station, comprising charging piles equipped with 2 or 3 chargers according to the needs, and a designated charging point for the disabled person. The ingenious layout design not only saves space but also supports simultaneous charging for multiple electric vehicles. In the consideration that EV charging station is in proximity to the coastal area and in an open-air suburban environment, KML also deliberately incorporated these considerations into the design of the charging pile to enhance the water-resistance and anti-collision capabilities of the charging facilities. 

The number of first registrations of electric private cars in Hong Kong has been growing rapidly in the past few years, and the supply of EV charging parking spaces cannot keep pace with the demand. KML welcomed the EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme (“EHSS”) which launched by the government and subsidised the installation of EV charging-enabling infrastructure (EVCEI) in the car parks of the private residential buildings, and has already actively participated in the tendering works of EHSS consultancy services. Looking ahead, KML will continue to connect with more organisations for the provision of good quality EV charging infrastructure installation solutions and professional consultancy services, further promoting green driving for vehicular carbon emission reduction and making Hong Kong a greener and more sustainable city.

KML Engineering participated “Construction Industry Happy Run 2023” again
January 08, 2023

KML Engineering (“KML”) participated in the "Construction Industry Happy Run 2023" held by Construction Industry Council (“CIC”) again on January 8. There were a total of 10 colleagues and their family members and friends participated in 10km or 3.5km happy run on that day. After running, CIC also provided food stalls, features fun-filled game booths, 3D photo booths and yoga exercises etc., everyone can play to the fullest. Our KML participants spent a happy Sunday with their families and friends!

KML treasures every member of our staff. The company will arrange diversified activities from time to time, and invite family members of employees to participate, so as to promote the physical and mental health of employees and provide a working environment that promotes work-life balance.

KML Engineering Deputy Managing Director Luk Kwai Lung was invited to serve as the judge of 2022 Qianhai Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao-Taiwan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Hong Kong Division (Enterprise Growth Group)
September 28, 2022

The "2022 Qianhai Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao-Taiwan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition" (“Qianhai Entrepreneurship Competition”) Hong Kong Division Finals (Enterprise Growth Group) was held on 28 September. The Qianhai Entrepreneurship Competition was jointly organised by the Authority of Qianhai, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipality, Taiwan Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipality, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”), Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region (“MSAR”), Economic and Technological Development Bureau of MSAR, Shenzhen Industry, Education and Research (IER) Base, Shenzhen Media Group and other units. 2022 marks the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR, this competition aims to discover young talents’ creativity and innovation ability, cultivate youngers ' innovative attitudes, develop their leadership potentials and entrepreneurial spirits, and fulfil their entrepreneurial dreams in the Greater Bay Area.

Mr. Luk Kwai Lung (“Mr. Luk”), Deputy Managing Director of KML Engineering (“KML”) was honoured to be invited to serve as the judge of 2022 Qianhai Entrepreneurship Competition Hong Kong Division (Enterprise Growth Group), scoring nearly 40 shortlisted projects on the competition online system to select the top 20, as well as gold, silver and bronze awards. Mr. Luk's participation reflects KML's support and affirmation of youth innovation and entrepreneurship. After the competition, Mr. Luk encouraged young people to try boldly, innovate bravely, be fearlessness to failure, and work hard to fulfil their dreams and benefit the world. KML will continue to support and assist in promoting the development of youth innovation and entrepreneurship.

KML Technology Group supported Earth Hour for 5 consecutive years
March 25, 2022

We are pleased to participate in "Earth Hour 2022", themed "Habits Protect Habitats"! The Group will keep on promoting and leading all staff to transform our daily habits to protect irreplaceable wetlands for future generations.


Check out what we have pledged:

KML Engineering was awarded "Safety Performance Award – Construction Industries" Excellence Award
February 11, 2022

KML Engineering is committed to promoting occupational safety and health and ensuring the safety of employees in the workplace. We ensure site safety, implement safe construction procedures to enhance safety performance and prevent accidents, and provide and ensure that all of our and subcontractors’ employees wear appropriate personal protective equipment. We are delighted to stand out among nearly 500 participating units in this year's "Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Award" organised by the Occupational Safety and Health Council to win the Excellence Award of the "Safety Performance Award - Construction Industries". We will continue to actively improve the occupational safety and health level in the workplace.

KML Engineering is awarded “Smoke-free Workplace Corporate Creativity Award”
Oct 29, 2021

KML Engineering (“KML”) believes that employees' work performance, health status and living habits are closely related. Thus, we participated in the “Smoking Cessation Program in Workplace” (the “SCPW”) organised by the Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon to deepen colleagues’ awareness about the health risks of smoking, enhance smokers’ motivation to quit smoking, and assist them in solving the difficulties they may encounter when quitting.


In response to the “World No Tobacco Day” on 31 May this year, KML organised a 2-week programme for the first time to promote smoke-free culture. The content-rich programme included a "Smoke-free Anti-3-Highs Challenge" activity and a webinar about health to encourage employees to stay away from tobacco and work together to create a healthy workplace. KML successfully won the "Smoke-free Workplace Corporate Creativity Award" among more than 90 companies participated in the SCPW.


KML was invited to participate in the corporate representatives sharing session of the Press Conference cum Kick-off Ceremony of the SCPW 2021/22 in August this year, to share KML's experience in implementing our smoke-free policy. Looking ahead, we will continue to strive to maintain a healthy, safe and harmonious working environment for our employees.

KML Engineering supports the “Life First” Campaign
Oct 15, 2021

The "Life First" Campaign (the “Campaign”) was organised by the Construction Industry Council (“CIC”) in May 2021 for its second year, aiming at promoting site safety. KML Engineering (“KML”) participated in the Campaign for the second consecutive year and organised a promotional activity with our client’s management staff and KML’s frontline staff at a selected site on the first day of the Campaign. Our Managing Director Mr Philip Chan, together with our Project Manager Mr Thomas Wan, Safety Officer Mr James Yeung, and representatives from our client and sub-contractors conducted a site walk to review site operation, as well as to deliver key safety messages to all levels of workforce.

More information about the "Life First" Campaign can be found on the CIC website.

Stay healthy, join the SportsHour Company Scheme!
Oct 05, 2021

To encourage Hong Kong companies to foster a healthy lifestyle as part of the company culture, InspiringHK Sports Foundation has founded and launched the inaugural SportsHour Company Scheme (the “Scheme”) in 2021. This year’s theme of the Scheme was “CO-FIT”. KML Engineering has actively participated in the Scheme and has encouraged employees to participate in one hour of physical activities daily, so as to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic and reduce the impact of the pandemic on corporate human resources.

KML Engineering was honoured to be recognised by the Scheme and we will continue to promote and build an active and healthy work environment.


More information of the Scheme can be found on the Scheme website.

KML Engineering again won a contract on Replacement of Smoke Curtains at ERL and WRL Stations, which helps enhancing fire safety systems in stations of the MTR
Jun 09, 2021

As the busiest public transportation network in Hong Kong, MTR must ensure the safety of employees, passengers, and their property in the event of a fire outbreak. To achieve this, a complete fire safety system is indispensable. KML Engineering is very pleased to be commissioned by the MTR to enhance its fire safety system in some MTR stations by modifying and replacing the smoke curtains. Smoke curtains are important part of a fire safety system, which minimize the passenger the chance of inhaling smoke and reduce the damage caused by smoke and heat to the building itself in case of a fire.


During our contract works in some stations of the Tung Chung line, our Project Team devoted to improving the system design in addition to carrying out basic modification and replacement work. The Team’s effort had brought significant improvement to the reliability of the entire smoke curtain system, which impressed our customer and led us to gain another opportunity this time. We were honored to win another contract for similar nature in some stations of the East Rail Line and West Rail Line. Our Project Team will actively face any challenges not only to ensure the smooth progress of the project, but also minimize disturbance to the normal operation of the stations.

Everyone is equal in KML!
May 21, 2021

KML Engineering is committed to promoting the values of equal opportunities, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. We treat every employee equally no matter their gender, age, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, family status or any other classification protected by laws. After a comprehensive assessment of the Equal Opportunity Employer Recognition Scheme organized by the Equal Opportunities Commission, we were pleased to be awarded the “Equal Opportunity Employer” in categories of “Gender Equality” and “Family Status Equality”. The Company will not be complacent because of the award and will continue to review our internal equal opportunity policy. We believe employees from different races and even with disabilities have their own strengths. We provide them with equal employment opportunities and welcome any one of them to join our KML family.

KML Engineering was awarded "Privacy-Friendly Awards 2021 – Gold Certificate"
May 07, 2021

With rising public expectations on the protection of privacy relating to personal data, KML Engineering embraces the protection of personal data privacy as part of the company’s policy and culture. Not only does the company strive to protect employee’s personal data privacy, but also promotes the importance of personal data privacy protection to employee through training and education. We are pleased that the company’s effort in personal data privacy was recognized by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (PCPD) that we were awarded the Gold Certificate of the Privacy-Friendly Awards 2021 (see picture). At the same time, we had become a member of the Association of Data Protection Officers of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner. We promise to continue to effectively protect personal data privacy of our stakeholders and employees. 

KML Engineering ‘s green footprint in Refurbishment and Replacement of AHU and PAU project
April 01, 2021

The air conditioning systems play an important role in enabling a pleasant journey when traveling by the MTR trains through maintaining a comfortable environment in the MTR stations. In the refurbishment and replacement of Air Handling Unit (AHU) and Primary Air Unit (PAU) project awarded to KML Engineering, the MTR decided to introduce the use of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) and electricity commutated (EC) plug fans. Such a design not only offers numerous advantages over conventional technology technically, but also environmentally. 

Comparing to a traditional centrifugal fan, an array of smaller fan units named Fan Grid offers more possibilities to noise control and flexible maintenance. In addition, the use of EC plug fans in air conditioning system is the latest energy-saving technology. Together with the introduction of PMSM, a motor with higher efficiency in its performance, energy consumption is going to be significantly reduced. KML Engineering always cares about the environment and is pleased to have the role to incorporate green elements into our engineering projects.

KML Engineering first time participating “Construction Industry Virtual Happy Run 2021”
March 29, 2021

It was for the first time that KML Engineering participated in the “Construction Industry Virtual Happy Run 2021” activity organized by the Construction Industry Council this year to promote health and sports culture in the company and the community, as well as the spirit of the construction industry!

The company fully sponsored 12 employees and their family members/ friends to participate in the activity and added internal awards to encourage active participation. Upon the successful end of the activity, the participants finished with an encouraging result of a total of 750.27 kilometers. The participants all agreed that the activity had encouraged them to exercise actively and felt meaningful that the activity expenses were used for charity purposes.

KML Technology Group supported Earth Hour for 4 consecutive years
March 26, 2021

We are delighted to participate in "Earth Hour 2021", themed "Let Oceans Shine"! The Group takes the opportunity to promote Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development, motivate them to rethink the relationship with the ocean and jointly implement the protection of the ocean.


Wanna see what we have committed? Click Here:

KML Engineering was recognized as a “Construction Industry Caring Organization” by the Construction Industry Council
December 28, 2020

We are pleased to announce that KML Engineering had been commended as a "Construction Industry Caring Organization" (“CICO”) by the Construction Industry Council. We share the same vision with the CICO scheme which advocates a healthy lifestyle, a socially immersive and caring culture amongst our co-workers. In future, we will spare no effort to work together with industry’s affiliates in supporting and promoting corporate social responsibility to further enhancing the perception that the construction industry offers invaluable contribution for the betterment of Hong Kong society.

KML Technology Group Limited & KML Technology Limited are all awarded in one time the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System Certificates
October 15, 2020

We are pleased to announce that KML Technology Group Limited and its subsidiary – KML Technology Limited have recently been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificates by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency. The successful certifications have demonstrated our commitment, determination and ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements and to pursue continuous improvement.

The management would like to express the sincere gratitude to all colleagues that provide support for the ISO 9001 implementation and certification. Looking ahead, the management will keep on striving to promote the quality culture, leading our colleagues to improve continually for achieving sustainable development of the companies and for the benefits of our stakeholders.

ISO 9001:2015 Certificates awarded are summarized as follows:

KML Engineering was commended as "Mental Health Friendly Supreme Organization"
September 08, 2020

The company was pleased to announce that we have signed the "Mental Health Workplace Charter" organized by the Department of Health and have been commended as "Mental Health Friendly Supreme Organization". As stated in the Charter declaration, we value and promise to promote a mentally healthy and friendly working environment. A healthy workplace is of much importance to the company. It can improve staff morale and engagement, reduce staff turnover and improve relationships among employees, resulting in fewer conflicts and complaints. Furthermore, a healthy workplace allows our staff to devote themselves to their duties and focus on their personal career development, and grow together with the company.


KML Engineering supported “Life First” Campaign
August 27, 2020

Launched by the Construction Industry Council, the “Life First” was an industry-wide construction safety campaign which aims to promote site safety. Both the Company and our client understand that we have a shared responsibility for construction safety, and anticipate to strengthen the safety awareness among workers through the participation of this meaningful campaign.


On the first day of the campaign, our Managing Director, together with our Project Manager, Safety Officer, and representatives from our client and sub-contractors, conducted site walk in a selected site. The management also suspended works in all levels of workforce and conducted a rethink session for reviewing their works and the potential risks that are involved, sharing and delivering key safety messages. We are pleased to receive appreciation from our client upon successful accomplishment of the event.


More “Life First” Campaign information can be found on CIC website.


KML Engineering again won MTR’s Contractor Safety Performance Award
August 27, 2020

KML Engineering is pleased to announce that the project “K2044-17C Replacement of Trackside Advertising Panel along ETS”, leveraging its good safety performance, has successfully again won the “Contractor Safety Performance Award” from MTR!


KML Engineering arranged to conduct a thorough cleaning and long-acting antibacterial coating spray in our premises
August 17, 2020

In response to the current outbreak of novel coronavirus epidemic in Hong Kong, the company not only pays special attention to employee’s personal hygiene and health, but also takes proactive action to create and maintain a healthy working environment. In addition to strengthening daily cleaning work, the company had engaged specialist contractors to conduct a thorough cleaning and a long-acting antibacterial coating spraying at the offices, further enhancing the employees' confidence in the office's hygiene. The company will continue to keep a close eye on the Government’s health guidelines and follow a series of preventive actions to combat the epidemic.


Our “Community Health Ambassador” promoted health in workplace amid COVID 19 epidemic

July 10, 2020

Organized by the HKQAA, the Community Health Ambassador Personnel Registration Scheme 2020 aims to bring corporates and their employees together to bring care and love to the community.


We are glad to join the Scheme and all of our nominated 17 employees have become “Community Health Ambassador”. They bear the responsibility of promoting health in workplace and spread health message in their community. The Company values keeping healthy and closely works together with employees to fight against the COVID 19 epidemic.


KML Engineering supported the Hong Kong Green Day 2020

June 05, 2020

The company continued to support "Hong Kong Green Day" this year. The company not only donated money to the organizer "Green Council" to show our support, but also promoted green culture in the company on the day. We thank the active participation of colleagues who dressed in green clothes, which lead to the success of the event. The company hopes to take this opportunity to increase employees' environmental awareness and then further promote green culture to the community.


KML Engineering is awarded “Outstanding Award” of the Joyful @ Healthy Workplace Best Practices Award

May 27, 2020

The company pays attention to the physical and mental health of employees. In 2019-20, we participated in the "Joyful@Healthy Workplace Charter", and actively participated in workshops and seminars. We are pleased to win the "Outstanding Organization Award" of the "Joyful@Healthy Workplace Award”. We strive to create a "healthy workplace" for our staff. Our staff are encouraged to maintain a balanced diet, do moderate physical exercise, maintain a good mood and reduce negative emotions.

Proud of being a privileged occupant of Hong Kong Science Park, KML Engineering engages in R&D activities for grasping opportunities from fast-growing Smart cities

March 27, 2020

KML Engineering (“KML”) is pleased to announce that we are now a privileged occupant of the Hong Kong Science Park, an arena widely recognized as serving as a cradle for local innovation and technology (“I&T”) advancement, and a hub to foster technological exchange and co-creation. This brand new working environment is anticipated to catalyse our research and development activities on the pipeline, such as Mobile payment apps, smart maintenance platform, embedding Internet of Things (“IoT”) technology and Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) enhanced user interfaces into our next generation of product lines. It will reinforce our ability to adopt the state-of-the-art technologies into our future product and service platform. It will certainly enable us to seize the business opportunities brought about by the trend of fast-growing smart cities.


KML Technology Group supported Earth Hour 2020

March 13, 2020

We are glad to participate in Earth Hour 2020! The Group will keep on promoting and leading all staff to create a future where humans and nature thrive by cherishing natural resources and making smart, eco-friendly choices in their works and daily lives!


KML Engineering is awarded MTR’s Top Ten Amazing Moment 2019

March 11, 2020

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) is pleased and proud to announce that two safe moments of our project were awarded as MTR’s Top Ten Amazing Moment 2019, and we have accepted the award on March 05, 2020.


Evolution of Taiwan Taoyuan Metro! KML Engineering successfully integrated credit card contactless payment with Metro gate service on schedule

January 07, 2020

KML Engineering (“KML”) is dedicated to integrate innovative technology with the daily livelihood in smart cities. KML was entrusted to tailor-make a QR Code mobile payment application at Taiwan Taoyuan Metro in 2018 and it has been fully integrated and launched in all stations since May 2019 with great success. KML continues to strive on optimizing the mobile payment solution one step further – Taoyuan Metro will accept contactless payment including VISA payWave, Mastercard Contactless and UnionPay QuickPass on or before end of Jan 2020. Passengers will no longer be obliged to spend time on the long queue on buying or topping up store-value tickets to ride Taoyuan Metro. Leisurely, passengers can use their personal mobile devices with NFC function to swiftly pass through the gates by means of Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay and enjoy such convenience service in their everyday travelling!

More News on Taiwan Taoyuan Metro’s evolution:



KML Engineering is firstly awarded “Safety Performance Award” from Occupational Safety and Health Council and Labour Department

September 27, 2019

KML Engineering (“KML”) was firstly awarded the Safety Performance Award by Occupational Safety and Health Council and Labour Department, and we have accepted the award on 23-Sep-2019.


KML Engineering is awarded Airport Authority Third Runway Division’s Subcontractor Site Safety Award in the first quarter of Year 2019

June 18, 2019

KML Engineering (“KML”) was honored with “Subcontractor Site Safety Award” for the first quarter of Year 2019 under Airport Authority Third Runway Division, commending our endeavors in enhancing the safe operations of the construction of “Contract 3602 Existing APM System Modification Works”.


KML Engineering Ltd showcased the new model ticket gate with Tap & Go payment enabled in the 5G Tech Carnival organized by Hong Kong Telecom (“HKT”)

June 13, 2019

KML Engineering Limited (”KML”) was invited by HKT to participate at their 5G Tech Carnival and thought-leadership conference, exploring and discussing the new technology trends with peers for enabling people in Hong Kong as well as the Greater Bay Area to move towards smarter, safer and healthier lifestyles. 

More News on HKT 5G Tech Carnival:

Actively participate in Hong Kong Green Day 2019 Dress Green Campaign to promote green corporate culture and pursue a greener lifestyles

June 05, 2019

To echo the World Environmental Day and Hong Kong Green Day (“HKGD”) on 5th June, the Group not only supported the organizer - Green Council’s fundraising activities for HKGD to raise citizen’s awareness about environmental protection, but also mobilize our colleagues to dress green together.

On the day of the event, our team dressed green (e.g. wearing or displaying green in their clothing and/ or wearing the commemorative pins and/ or green accessories) so as to show our support and commitment to the environment by action. The highlights of the day are shared as follows:

KML provides Short term internship for “Workplace Experience Program for Youth”

April 26, 2019

KML Engineering (“KML”) is pleased to be one of the support organisations of the “Workplace Experience Program for Youth” organized by Lions Club International District 303–Hong Kong & Macro, China, and offered short term internship for three junior secondary students from April 25 to 26.


KML arranged briefings on the company’s background to the interns, and assigned them to different departments to enhance their understanding on the operations of various departments in an electrical and mechanical (“E&M”) engineering company, and to prepare interns for their future work development.

Apart from the provision of quality workplace experience, we also promoted the environmental conservation messages to the youth and raised their environmental awareness by explaining our environmental policies, sharing our green measures implemented in the offices, and arranging them to experience clean plastic bottle recycling.

KML Technology Group Limited, KML Engineering Limited & KML Technology Limited are all awarded in one time the ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System Certificates

April 10, 2019

The Group has been adhering to the corporate social responsibility and is committed to protecting the environment. Recently, the Group and its subsidiaries have been awarded the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Certificates by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, which prove that the environmental management systems meet the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 - by implementing a systematic management process, the environmental aspects such as natural resources, use of energy and gas emissions are being managed to reduce the environmental impacts and thereby fulfilling our commitment to environmental protection.

ISO 14001:2015 Certificates awarded to the Group and its subsidiaries are summarized as follows:

1. KML Technology Group Limited

(Cert. No.:CC 6727)          

Applicable to: Provision of the management for KML Engineering Limited and KML Technology Limited


2. KML Engineering Limited

(Cert. No.:CC 6726)

Applicable to: Design, supply, production, installation and maintenance of *high voltage, *low voltage and *extra low voltage electrical, electronic (hardware and software) and mechanical plants, systems and equipment, railway control and communication systems

“*as defined in Electricity Ordinance Chapter 406”

3. KML Technology Limited

(Cert. No.:CC 6728)

Applicable to: Design, supply, production, installation and maintenance of *low voltage and *extra low voltage electrical and electronic (hardware and software), systems and equipment

“*as defined in Electricity Ordinance Chapter 406”

Acquiring the ISO14001 certificates is a key milestone for the Group, the Group would like to express the sincere gratitude to all colleagues that provides the support and co-operation. Looking ahead, the Group’ management will keep on leading our colleagues to promote the environmental performance, by which the Group's reputation and the satisfaction of stakeholders with the Group can be enhanced; resulting in achieving the Group's sustainable business objectives.

KML Engineering is awarded MTR’s Top Ten Amazing Moment 2018 and Contractor Safety Performance Award 2017/2018

March 29, 2019

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) is pleased and proud to announce that two safe moments of our project were awarded as MTR’s Top Ten Amazing Moment 2018, and we have accepted the award on March 27, 2019.

On the same day, KML was also granted the Contractor Safety Performance Award 2017/2018 from MTR! The award recognizes the successful implementation of the safety management oversight for the project “K2044-17C Replacement of Trackside Advertising Panel along ETS”.

KML Technology Group actively participated in “Construction Industry Safety Award Scheme 2018/2019”

March 19, 2019

To promote the awareness of Occupational Safety and Health and advocate the importance of electricity safety, the Group has set up a booth game named “Beat the Buzzer” in the Carnival of “Construction Industry Safety Award Scheme 2018/2019” organized by Labour Department on 17-Mar-2019. The highlights of the day are shared as the following photos.

In the same occasion, KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) was awarded a “Certificate of Appreciation” of the site safety competition under Construction Industry Safety Award Scheme 2018/2019, commending the active participation of “MTR Ktt Train Refurbishment” project team in the competition.

KML Technology Group supported Earth Hour 2019

March 18, 2019

We are glad to participate in Earth Hour 2019! The Group will keep on promoting and leading all staff to cherish natural resources and make smart, eco-friendly choices in their works and daily lives, collaborating on “Change the Way We Live” for a better Earth!

AlipayHK “Smart Mobility, Boundless Living” Launching Ceremony featured the debut of “EasyGo”-featured ticket gates innovated by KML Engineering Ltd

March 12, 2019

In partnership with AlipayHK, the brand new “EasyGo” featured ticket gate innovated by KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) was spot-lighted in the “Smart Mobility, Boundless Living” Launching Ceremony held by our partner AlipayHK on 06-Mar-2019. It provided the opportunity for the guests to experience “EasyGo”-featured tickets gates due to be open for public service at the HK MTR in mid-2020.

The tickets gate on demonstration not only allow the guests to complete the payment transaction instantaneously in a split second by waving their mobile phones but also support offline payment and enable  stream of guests pay and pass the gate smoothly through. The elegant gate operations received many praise and appreciation from the guests of the Ceremony.

More News on “Smart Mobility, Boundless Living” Launching Ceremony:

KML won another substantial mobile payment project, after “Stop-and-go” e-payment for HK toll tunnels and Mobile Payment for Taiwan Taoyuan Metro

February 01, 2019

KML Engineering Limited (“KML”) is honored to partner with AlipayHK to retrofit about 1,000 ticket gates at 91 stations to enable AlipayHK QR Code payment for travel on Hong Kong’s MTR System, allowing the public to experience an additional payment method for riding on MTR in Hong Kong.

The collaboration reflects the industry's affirmation of the KML's design and system integration capabilities in mobile payment technology. It encourages us to continue to develop and deploy related Applications to meet the emerging needs of Smart Mobility!

KML Engineering - KTT Project progresses smoothly, refurbishment of 8 trains completed

February 01, 2019

Time flies, the first refurbished “First Class Coach” compartment has been put into service for over 10 months, and as of today, totally 8 trains were refurbished and put into service as scheduled. The person-in-charge of the project comments that the whole project has been progressing smoothly, and the customers and passengers are satisfied with the quality of the compartments refurbished. It is expected that the refurbishment of the remaining 4 trains will be completed in the middle of this year.


Mobile Payment at Taiwan Taoyuan Metro activated on time – Thousands of passengers benefit from “Taoyuan Airport MRT TICKETS” APP in its first day

December 04, 2018

We are pleased to announce that “Taoyuan Airport MRT TICKETS” APP Ticket Purchase has been successfully launched on 01-Dec-2018! Thousands of passengers downloaded the APP and tried how to purchase mobile tickets. They were thrilled for the first time to walk through the gates like a breeze to ride at Taipei and Taoyuan Airport Metro Stations.

Thumbs-up to KML and the collaborating project teams for their professionalism and dedication to deliver the APPs, the back-end and the launching program. Salute to our amazing team members! They worked in Taiwan and HK simultaneously, relentlessly and seamlessly around the clock in the past weeks to ensure this critical staged mission accomplished on target.

Very soon, our project team members will step into the next project phase - integrating other electronic payment systems such as EMV cards to make Taoyuan Metro ticketing even more passenger-friendly!

More News on Mobile Payment at Taoyuan Metro:

*  Download mobile tickets for fast clearance and boarding

*  Cheng Wen-tsan, Mayor of Taoyuan, Taiwan, experienced the fast clearance with QR code  

KML Technology Group Limited – The Champion of Highest Percentage Saver Award (Organization) 2018, Friends of the Earth (HK)

November 02, 2018

We are pleased to announce that KML Technology Group Limited (“the Group”) has awarded the Champion of Highest Percentage Saver Award (Organization) in the Power Smart Energy Saving Competition 2017-18 organized by Friends of the Earth (HK). The award affirmed our endeavors in supporting environmental protection and fighting against climate change through the reduction of electricity consumption in our campus within two years.

Taiwan Taoyuan Metro entrusted KML Engineering to design and implement mobile payment to enhance their passenger services

October 30, 2018

KML Engineering is proud to be entrusted by Taoyuan Metro in Taiwan to tailor-make their mobile payment solution. KML have committed to ensure Taoyuan Metro become the leading MRT system in Taiwan to have mobile payment ready for public use from December this year! Locals of Taiwan and Tourists will be no longer hassle on topping up stored-value smart card or waiting long queue on buying tickets at the ticketing machine; and will soon be able to get through the gates for rides at Taoyuan Metro by means of their smart phones.

The role for KML on this project includes:

(i)   System design and integration of QR code and contactless smart card application into the existing entry/ exit gates in Taoyuan Metro, allowing access using QR code, contactless credit card and mobile payment;

(ii)   Provision of Mobile Apps for iOS/Android phones, enabling commuters to pay for the QR code tickets with electronic payments or third-party payments.


(iii)   Provision of hand-held units for station staff to facilitate the handling of ticketing process as well as entry and exit issues at Metro stations.


(iv)   Provision of a cloud-based ticketing server platform and management workstations for central control and monitoring, transaction processing, promotion scheme setup and report generation.

KML Engineering Project Award - Replacement and Modification of Smoke Curtains at Airport Express Line (AEL) and Tung Chung Line (TCL)

October 03, 2018

KML Engineering Limited is pleased to announce that MTR Corporation Limited (“MTR”) has awarded us the contract for “Replacement and Modification of Smoke Curtains at AEL and TCL”.

In order to support MTR to further safeguard the safety of passengers, we will design, supply, replace, modify, install and test more than a thousand smoke curtains for the stations and platforms of the MTR Airport Station, Tsing Yi Station, Kowloon Station, Hong Kong Station and the Olympic Station in phases.

​The project has been commenced on 10-September-2018; and will tentatively be completed in Early 2022.

ITS Forum 2018: Smarter and Automated – the Future of our City

April 26, 2018

KML Engineering is proud to share our experience on the implementation of “stop-and-go” e-payment system at the manual toll booths for the tolled tunnels at the ITS Forum 2018 – an event organized by the Intelligent Transportation Systems Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  We will continue to seek more opportunities and contribute to our Smart City.

More about ITS-HK

KML Engineering Project Award - Installation of LRV External and In-Saloon Doorway CCTV System

April 20, 2018

Leveraging experience in designing and installing railway communication and control system, KML Engineering Limited is pleased to announce that MTR Corporation Limited has awarded us the contract for “Installation of LRV External and In-Saloon Doorway CCTV System”.

Assisting the train operators to monitor the passengers’ boarding and alighting in a safe environment , KML will design and deliver a tailor-made CCTV system integrated with the latest technology. The dynamic and advanced technical solution not only allows the system to operate individually when the vehicle runs in single unit, but also enable the signals interconnect automatically via Wifi devices when two vehicles run in couple. All real time images will display in lead vehicle immediately during service.

The project has been commenced on 14-April-2018 and tentatively complete by End of January in 2019.

Short term internship for “Workplace Experience Program for Youth”

April 06, 2018

KML Engineering Limited offered short term internship opportunity for the “Workplace Experience Program for Youth” organized by Lions Club International District 303–Hong Kong & Macro, China from 3 to 4 April 2018. Three number of junior secondary students visited our Company and attended briefings with the aim to increase their awareness of the development of industry and learned how to enhance their competitive edge before continuing their studies by understanding more of the job requirements.

KML Engineering “Stop-and-go” e-payment Project News

March 29, 2018

"Stop-and-go" e-payment facilities has been put into services at Lion Rock Tunnel on March 18, 2018. Two sets of smart card reader panels installed at each manual toll booth to facilitate vehicles of different heights. In addition to cash payment, we can now pay with four e-payment methods, i.e. Octopus, Visa payWave, MasterCard Contactless and UnionPay QuickPass! Where to be the next tunnel to be installed? Photo below will tell!

KML Technology Group supported Earth Hour 2018

March 22, 2018

We are happy to participate in Earth Hour 2018! Let’s save our Earth by making a difference to save energy, change climate change and protect our biodiversity!

KML Engineering awarded MTRC’s Top Ten Amazing Moment 2017

March 21, 2018

We are pleased to announce that a safe moment of our TWO different project sites were awarded as one of MTRC’s Top Ten Amazing Moment 2017, and we have accepted the award on March 21, 2018

KML Engineering KTT Project News

March 15, 2018

The first refurbished “First Class Coach” compartment has been put into service on March 15, 2018, we will continue to strive for our excellence in the refurbishment works for “Premium Class Coaches” & “First Class Coaches” of KTT trains!


KML Engineering & Technology Scholarship

December 31, 2017

KML Engineering has been offering scholarship to students studying in IVE for over sixteen years. In November and December 2017, the company continues to receive ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ from branches in Chai Wan, Harking Wong and Shatin respectively.

Partner Employer Award 5 Years

December 31, 2017

KML Engineering receives the ‘Partner Employer Award 5 Years’ from The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business. Partner Employer Award is organized by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business to encourage businesses offering job opportunities. KML has been awarded the “5 Years” award commending our continuous support of hiring local students.

KML Engineering Ltd Supported the Samsung Pay x Octopus Launch Event

December 11, 2017

KML Technology Group is Successfully Listed at the HKEx

October 16, 2017

KML Technology Group Limited (together with its subsidiaries) (Stock Code: 8065.HK) has been successfully listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“HKEX”) today.

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